CERN Women's Club Newsletter
I was editor of the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Women's Club Newsletter/Bulletin du Club du Cernoise for the club year of Sept '10 to June '11. I re-designed the newsletter, putting more emphasis on graphics and also adding a couple of features. I published 3 issues, each one with a version in English and French.

This was my first issue, publication date October 1 2010. As always, in any graphic endeavour, I owe a huge debt to Hugh Nagle. I direct you to my profile of Jenny van Hove [pages 10 - 11] and the article on the Toddler's club [pages 8 - 9].

Issue 2, publication date February 1 2011. IMHO, the highlight of the issue is the article on the Oil Painting and Plastic Arts Club [pages 8 - 9].

Issue 3, publication date July 1 2011. I reached the zenith (or the nadir, depending on how you view it) of my provincial journalist career with my Bake Sale article [page 10].
ESCA (English Speaking Cancer Society) Dragonboat News